My delicious 'telo goreng' Mie Goreng simply means "fried noodles", so as you might imagine, there are many many variations of this dish that can be made. So free free to change up the veggies and protein! The common threads that run through all variations of mie goreng is that the noodles are WHEAT noodles, because "mie".

Bahan Membuat My delicious 'telo goreng'

  1. You need 1 kg of singkong.
  2. It's 4 siung of bawang putih (digeprek).
  3. It's 1 1/2 sdm of garam.
  4. Prepare 2 lembar of daun salam.
  5. You need 750 ml of air.
  6. You need of minyak untuk menggoreng.

Langkah Memasak My delicious 'telo goreng'

  1. Kupas singkong,cuci bersih dan potong2 sesuai selera.
  2. Masukkan potongan singkong ke dalam panci,tambahkan air,garam,bawang putih dan daun salam.
  3. Rebus hingga empuk (jgn empuk2 banget ya nanti hancur singkongnya).
  4. Setelah direbus,tiriskan dan singkong siap untuk digoreng.
  5. Goreng singkong hingga kuning kecoklatan.Sajikan bersama sambal (saos sambal atau sambal terasi juga enak,sesuai selera).

My mom has her own version. Mee Goreng is one of the most popular fried noodle dishes in Malaysia and Indonesia. This Indian Mamak Mee Goreng recipe is authentic, easy and so good! Mee Goreng means fried noodles in Malaysian language. In Malaysia, you can find this noodle dish in the market, or by the roadside.

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