Beetroot Cake Nigel Slater's beetroot and chocolate cake is a great introduction to this delicious and surprising combination. Try it with a dollop of crème fraîche. Make the most of beetroots with this beautiful chocolate sponge cake with buttercream icing.

Bahan Membuat Beetroot Cake

  1. It's 4 butir of telur.
  2. Prepare 140 gram of bit.
  3. You need 120 gram of gula pasir.
  4. You need 125 gram of tepung segitiga biru.
  5. Prepare 10 gram of maizena.
  6. You need 10 gram of cocoa powder.
  7. It's 10 gram of susu bubuk.
  8. You need 60 gram of butter (lelehkan).
  9. Prepare 1 sdt of ovalet.
  10. You need Sejumput of garam.
  11. Prepare 1 sdm of pasta vanilla.
  12. It's 50 gram of keju parut.
  13. You need Secukupnya of almond slice.

Langkah Memasak Beetroot Cake

  1. Kupas, potong2 kemudian kukus buah bit sampai lunak. Kemudian blender dan sisihkan terlebih dahulu..
  2. Lelehkan butter (saya pakai blueband cake & cookies), kemudian sisihkan..
  3. Campurkan tepung, maizena, cocoa powder & susu bubuk. Kemudian ayak dan sisihkan terlebih dahulu..
  4. Oles loyang dgn mentega & tabur tepung agar cake tidak lengket. Sambil panaskan oven..
  5. Mixer telur, gula, sejumput garam & ovalet sampai putih dan kental berjejak (pakai speed tertinggi).
  6. Kemudian turunkan speed ke paling rendah dan masukkan campuran tepung yg sudah d ayak sedikit demi sedikit. Setelah rata masukkan bit yg sudah d blender, butter & pasta vanilla. Matikan mixer dan adon pakai spatula sebentar saja sampai semua rata..
  7. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang kemudian tabur dengan keju & amond, lalu panggang suhu 180 api atas bawah selama 30 menit..
  8. Cek tusuk, jika sudah mateng dinginkan terlebih dahulu baru d pindah ke piring..
  9. Siap dihidangkan, krn saya pure tanpa pewarna sama sekali bagian dalam masih agak kecoklatan tp rasanya enak dan gak ada rasa langu dr buah bitnya..

Which kind of cake are you looking for? Buy the ingredients for our Beetroot and chocolate cake recipe from Tesco today. You may not think that beetroot and chocolate would go together but this has to be tried to be believed - the rich cake goes perfectly with the creamy filling. Have you ever baked a beetroot cake? At first I must admit it sounded kind of weird to bake a It's actually quite common in Sweden to bake cakes or bread with beetroot, and I remember trying an.

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