Watermelon candy Learn how to make watermelon candy. Some call them Watermelon Pickles but grandma called them Watermelon Rind Candy because they are sweet. I found a relevant article on the subject (citation below quoted text): > So what gives watermelon its refreshingly delicate flavor?

Bahan Membuat Watermelon candy

  1. You need 1 Buah of semangka.
  2. Prepare 1 bungkus of agar-agar plain.
  3. Prepare 4 sdm of gula pasir.
  4. You need 1 bungkus of gula bubuk atau gula donat.

Langkah Memasak Watermelon candy

  1. Buah semangka potong kecil buah nya.
  2. Haluskan buah semangka menggunakan blender.
  3. Sudah selesai di haluskan lalu di saring agar terpisah dari sisa biji semangka.
  4. Tuangkan agar plain dan gula pasir di buah semangka yang telah d haluskan...
  5. Lalu masak hingga mendidih..jangan lupa sambil di aduk yahhh...
  6. Sudah selesai tuang di cetakan tunggu agar adem.
  7. Lalu letakkan di freezer..tunggu sampai mengeras.
  8. Sudah mengeras d potong dadu atau sesuai selera...
  9. Lalu masukkan ke gula donat atau gula bubuk.
  10. Lalu masukkan ke freezer lagi...
  11. Taraaa....jadi dehhh.

Watermelon Candy brings the bold watermelon to the party and strongly pushes everything towards a candy profile. It's here to bring a punch and not a whimper. Cactus brings the juiciness and the rind. Most soviet cakes, like Kiev cake, are often decorated with candied watermelon rinds. Who knew the often tossed rind of your favourite Summer fruit could make delectable candy to enjoy all year 'round?

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