Tanghulu 🍓 Until now, it is still one of the most popular snacks in Chinese streets. What is Tanghulu Tanghulu (simplified Chinese: 糖葫芦) also called bingtanghulu. It is a traditional Chinese cuisine.

Bahan Membuat Tanghulu 🍓

  1. You need 14 buah of Strawberry.
  2. It's 120 gram of gula pasir.
  3. It's 100 ml of air putih matang.
  4. Prepare 4 tusuk of ice cream.

Langkah Memasak Tanghulu 🍓

  1. Cuci strawberry dengan air mengalir hingga bersih dan cabut daunnya. Susun strawberry di tusukan ice cream..
  2. Masukkan air dan gula pasir ke dalam teflon. Masak dengan api kecil aduk-aduk sampai menjadi caramel. Matikan api..
  3. Celupkan strawberry ke dalam karamel hingga permukaannya terbalut secara menyeluruh. Taruh dalam ke dalam wadah, lalu masukkan kedalam freezer. Jika karamel sudah mengeras, tanghulu siap disajikan..

Tanghulu is basically fruit with sugar on the outside. There are several types of tanghulu. The most common type is the one with traditional Chinese hawthorn with hardening sugar coating on the outside. Because hawthorn tastes extremely sour, people tend to replace it with other fruits, such as strawberries, bananas, and grapes. Tanghulu (also called as bing tanghulu) is a Chinese candied fruit treat commonly eaten during winter.

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