Tanghulu strawbery Dip a strawberry into the syrup and turn the stick gently to cover the strawberry completely. Allow excess syrup to drip off and place sugared strawberry on the baking sheet. Repeat until all the strawberries are.

Bahan Membuat Tanghulu strawbery

  1. Prepare 6 sendok makan of gula pasir.
  2. You need 1/4 cangkir kecil of Air.
  3. It's of Buah, saya pakai strawbery aja, bisa pakai anggur/nanas.
  4. It's 1 lembar of pandan.

Langkah Memasak Tanghulu strawbery

  1. Cuci bersih buah dan tusuk dengan tusukan sate.
  2. Panaskan panci anti lengket yang berisi air, pandan dan gula pasir hingga hampir membentuk karamel.
  3. Lumuri buah dengan menggunakan gula karamel sampai rata, biarkan hingga gula mengeras..

Most often sold in market places or from streetcars this is a favorite among many. Normally, hawthorn berries are coated in the sugar syrup which then dries and becomes crystallized to create a harmonious balance between sweet and tart. Tanghulu (also called as bing tanghulu) is a Chinese candied fruit treat commonly eaten during winter. Traditionally, Tanghulu is made out of yellow or red hawthorn berries, but modern recipes now incorporate all kinds of fruits and nuts. As long as you can put the fruit on skewers and dip it into sugar syrup, then you can turn it into tanghulu.

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