Home made apple jam This jam is so tasty, i love making homemade jam because it taste so fresh. It makes you feel that you are eating a fruit, unlike the store bought ones I used this apple jam to fill my thumbprint cookies and i also used this to fill my rustic jam tarts which i will post soon. So try this out and let me know.

Bahan Membuat Home made apple jam

  1. It's 4 Buah of apple.
  2. You need 1 buah of lemon ambil airnya.
  3. It's 2 SDM of apple cider.
  4. It's 3 sdt of cinnamon bubuk.
  5. Prepare 1 sdt of garam.
  6. It's 4-5 biji of cengkeh/bubuk.
  7. Prepare 4 SDM of gula palem/ brown sugar.

Langkah Memasak Home made apple jam

  1. Cuci kupas apelnya, potong2, masukkan semua bumbu masak di api sedang sampai lunak dan tercampur rata. Kurleb 10 menitan..
  2. Biarkan masak dan lembek apelnya, pindahkan ke food proccesor/ blender, mix sampai halus, koreksi rasa..angkat dinginkan...simpan di wadah kaca..

Make fabulous homemade Apple Jam from scratch with this easy recipe by Daniella and Grandma Emma from Video Culinary! From apple tree to apple jam in just a few easy steps!! The jam should be thick and easily spreadable. Switch off the flame and let it cool completely. I had some leftover apples from my most recent attempt at Looking at the ingredients I currently had, I decided upon a pectin-less apple jam recipe.

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