Orange fruit candy Acidless oranges are an early-season fruit with very low levels of acidity. They are also known as "sweet" orange in the US, with similar titles in other. Orange Candy Orange Fruit Orange Slices Orange Color Jelly Belly Beans Snack Recipes Orange Rock Candy Crystals from Temptation Candy!

Bahan Membuat Orange fruit candy

  1. You need 10 buah of jeruk keprok.
  2. It's 400 ml of air.
  3. You need 500 gr of gula pasir.
  4. Prepare 2 bks of agar-agar swallow globe.
  5. Prepare 1 bks of nutrijel rasa jeruk.
  6. It's 1 tetes of pewarna makanan warna kuning.

Langkah Memasak Orange fruit candy

  1. Peras semua jeruk keprok dalam gelas ukur, beri air sampai di titik 500 ml.
  2. Tuang ke dalam panci, masukkan gula dan agar2,beri setetes pewarna kuning, masak sampai mengental.
  3. Tuang kedalam loyang datar dinginkan, lalu potong2 kotak atau dibentuk dengan cetakan.
  4. Jemur suhu ruang, sampai kering dan keluar kristal2 halus mengkilat.
  5. Note : jika ingin cepat kering bs di jemur dibawah sinar matahari, akan tetapi setelah kering warna yg dihasilkan akan memudar,klo dalam suhu ruang cenderung lama keringnya tapi warna candy tidak akan berubah.
  6. Setelah kering simpan dalam toples bs bertahan selama 5 bln, tanpa bahan pengawet 😉.

Fruit candy and orange Homemade orange fruit candy in coconut flakes candy fruit marzipan orange Fresh colorful summer crayon hand drawn citrus orange lemon lime fruit candy gelatine. Are you having trouble deciding on your favorite fruit flavored candy? That's why candy makers created the fruit assortment mix! This awesome Orange Jelly Candy is easy to make and fun to share. It's the perfect sophisticated Learn to make delicious jelly candy at home with Orange Jelly Candy from My Food and Family!

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