Orange Mint Leaf Mojito Lime pieces and leaves of mint. Muddle mint and orange with sugar. Squeeze the juice from remaining three orange.

Bahan Membuat Orange Mint Leaf Mojito

  1. It's 1 buah of Jeruk.
  2. It's 1 buah of Jeruk nipis.
  3. You need of Sprite.
  4. It's of Yakult.
  5. You need of Daun mint.
  6. You need of Es batu.

Langkah Memasak Orange Mint Leaf Mojito

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahannya yaaa.. kemudian campur semua..

Enter the mojito: that classic rum-based drink that's perfect for summertime. According to Nomad Bar Director Pietro Collina, however, you actually shouldn't muddle those leaves. I love a good excuse to break out my bar tools. Muddlers are not just for mint juleps after all. How do you make a mojito?

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