Mojito (non alkohol) Virgin Mojito, Strawberry and Citrus Mojito *No Alcohol* This is my favourite Mojito recipe. It's a non alcoholic version so it's great to serve to all crowds on a hot summer day!

Bahan Membuat Mojito (non alkohol)

  1. You need 50 gr of daun mint.
  2. Prepare 2 buah of lemon.
  3. You need 100 gr of chiaseed.
  4. You need 1 1/2 liter of air.
  5. You need 300 gr of gula pasir.
  6. Prepare 1 kaleng of soda atau 1 botol sparkling water.
  7. It's secukupnya of es batu.

Langkah Memasak Mojito (non alkohol)

  1. Cuci bersih daun mint dan lemon. Iris daun mint juga lemon dan buang bijinya..
  2. Larutkan chiaseed dengan 100ml air dan aduk rata..
  3. Campur semua bahan baku yang ada dan cek rasa. Tingkat kemanisan sesuai selera..
  4. Sajikan dingin dengan es batu sesuai selera..

Cucumber Mojito is a very refreshing drink that is perfect for the spring and summer. It just started warming up this weekend in San Diego, so I was inspired to prepare this. Just combine lime wedges, caster sugar, mint, ice cubes and soda and enjoy! This non alcoholic mojito recipe is a combination of Soda Water, Mint, Apple, Lime and The Mojito is a classic Cuban cocktail that combines lime, sugar, mint and rum, along with a Soda Water top. This non-alcoholic strawberry mojito is a refreshing alternative to juice or water.

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