Orange mojito And also because nothing is better than a simple mojito cocktail. Orange mojitos are the perfect refreshing cocktail recipe. The ingredients are simple - rum, fresh mint, oranges, and sugar!

Bahan Membuat Orange mojito

  1. It's 1 botol of sprite.
  2. It's 1 bks of nutrisari jeruk.
  3. Prepare 1 sdt of selasih.
  4. It's 1 bh of jeruk wedang.
  5. Prepare of Es batu.
  6. You need of Air putih,.

Langkah Memasak Orange mojito

  1. Rendam selasih pda air putih, biarkan smpai mngembang, tiriskan,.
  2. Iris Iris jeruk wedang, bulet bulet,.
  3. Tuang nutrisari dlm gelas, tuang dg air putih 1/2 gelas saja, aduk.
  4. Masukkan es batu dlm botol, d susul nutrisari jerukny, tuang sprite, masukkan jeruk, aduk aduk dlu.
  5. Baru masukkan selasih yg d rendam td, aduk, masukkan sedotan sruput dech segerr.
  6. Cocok sm cuaca yg gy pnas gini, 😄😄😄.

Try this Orange Mojito made with mint leaves, orange and lime wedges topped with soda. Virgin Orange Mojito is like taking regular Virgin Mojito to the next level. It is quite similar to virgin Mojito. I have just added some fresh Orange juice to it. Blood Orange Mojito made with fresh mint, simple syrup, blood orange and lime juice.

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