Mojito Follow our easy recipe and impress party guests. View more drinks recipes at BBC Good Food. A mojito cocktail is the perfect summer drink with its refreshing hit of mint and lime.

Bahan Membuat Mojito

  1. You need 1 botol of air soda.
  2. Prepare 1 batang of daun mint.
  3. It's 2 buah of jeruk nipis.
  4. Prepare Secukupnya of es batu.
  5. Prepare Secukupnya of madu.

Langkah Memasak Mojito

  1. Pastikan semua bahan lengkap..
  2. Petik beberapa lembar daun mint. Cuci bersih. Iris tipis satu butir jeruk nipis. Sisakan potongan besar pada bagian atas dan bawah jeruk..
  3. Siapkan gelas. Peras jeruk nipis bagian atas dan bawah tadi. Masukkan es batu dalam gelas, selingi dengan potongan jeruk nipis dan daun mint hingga penuh..
  4. Tuangkan air soda dalam gelas. Masukkan beberapa sendok madu. Aduk dengan sedotan..
  5. Sajikan dingin..

Examples of mojito in a Sentence. Recent Examples on the Web The companies hope to target. See more ideas about Mojito, Mojito recipe, Yummy drinks. Strawberry Mint Mojito Recipe: We took the classic mojito cocktail and fused it with the sweetness of strawberry, delivering this sultry. From Spanish mojito, diminutive of mojo ("sauce"), from mojar ("to moisten"), from Vulgar Latin *molliō ("to soften by soaking"), from Latin molliō ("soften"), from mollis ("soft"). (General American) IPA(key): /moʊˈhi.toʊ/. (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /məʊˈhiːtəʊ/. mojito (plural mojitos).

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