Virgin mojito ginger Mango Ginger Virgin Mojito is the perfect combination of Mint, Mango and ginger. This drink is perfect for sipping by the pool and enjoying the hot weather with a cool and slurpy drink. Technically you could also use ginger ale or a lemon-lime flavored soda in lieu of the sparkling water How to Make a Virgin Mojito?

Bahan Membuat Virgin mojito ginger

  1. You need 1 botol of sprite.
  2. You need 1/2 buah of jeruk nipis(lbh bagus lemon).
  3. Prepare 3 tangkai of daun mint.
  4. You need 1 ruas of jahe di geprek.

Langkah Memasak Virgin mojito ginger

  1. Siapkan semua bahan2,potong dadu jeruk nipis atau sesuai selera,sebagian di peras biar ada rasa asem2 😁,satukan dlm gelas semua bahan,dan tuangkan sprite.
  2. Siap untuk di sajikan,dingin lebih segerrr atau bisa menambahkan es batu.

If you have been following my blog for a while, you would know that I don't really drink alcohol. Try a tall glass of cool virgin mojito with barbequed veggies or meats for an unforgettable experience! The flavours of this refreshing mix will rejuvenate and calm your senses at the same time. I was looking for virgin mojito recipe and was unable to find it on Recipezaar. Top with the ginger ale/club soda/sparkling water.

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